Wednesday, October 13, 2010


mmmm Energy drinks bright and early....I know they aren't good for me, but they are just SOOOO damn good.

My birthday is coming up.....who wants to get me The Force Unleashed II for the PS3? Anyone? anyone? *crickets* Guess that answers my question. I'm not a big expanded universe fan, though I have read some of the comics and a few books, played a few of the games, and come to the conclusion in the expanded universe I preferred the Force Unleashed storyline and game play. I thought it was an awesome game, great story, awesome ending(s) I say endings because there are 2, I'm not going to spoil it for you at all. Play the damn game, and watch both endings. The dark side ending screws up the SW universe while the Light side ending brings it full circle.

I haven't really read a whole lot into Force Unleashed II for the face I don't want to ruin the story for myself, all I have gotten from the trailers is Starkiller (the protagonist) is a clone from the original. That's all I'll leave it at that for myself. Take a look at one of the newest trailers and see what you think.

*Edit* Fixed the videos so it's all youtube. Hopefully everyone can watch now.

And here is one that got me excited lol.

And what they hell is it with people calling me during the shows I watch? lol Can't you bug me the next day?


  1. The video that I am trying to watch cannot be viewed from my current country or location. That's a shame.

  2. Makes me sad I gave up caffeine. :( I loved energy drinks. This game looks great. Can't wait.

  3. You can get the same effects from energy drinks by just buying some B vitamins...

  4. i know what you mean man... I have to have my coffee every morning

    btw, I have a new post on GTL Everyday :)

  5. energy drinks here in bolivia are so expensive, you can drive your car for a whole day for the price of one can

  6. Nice post!:)

    Support and follow!

  7. njohnfixes
    "The video that I am trying to watch cannot be viewed from my current country or location."

    That message is the plague of this decade.
    one day historians will look upon it and sigh really loudly, before returning to their floating houses in the sky.

  8. I played KOTOR, but never another Star Wars game.

  9. yeay your birthday is coming up! how old are you going to be?

  10. I saw a couple cinematics for this game it will be awesome, I liked the first one =]

  11. that's what tons of red bull will do

    btw, check out my new post on Enhanced by MS Paint :)

  12. looks like it will be a good one

  13. there needs to be another epic star wars movie

  14. I haven't had an energy drink in years. I try not to drink carbonated things because they're bad for your bones, but I can't seem to give up an occasional soda. My bones are gonna be so brittle when I'm 80 :(

  15. Wasn't The Force Unleashed 1 quite bad?

  16. yeah the cinematics are freaking amazing, but i want to know what the gameplay is like- i think they are promising far to much with these clips

  17. I thought about posting this on my blog today! Great vids!
