Friday, October 15, 2010

End of the week....

It's about damn time too. Fridays for me are usually slow, just for the fact I've finished everything I needed to do the day before. Mainly my paperwork from the week, and that isn't even that difficult, I'm the one that implemented it lol.

I figured I wouldn't bore you with the bathroom today, since I forgot yesterday the guy who is doing it had school, so he should be back later today to work on it....I'm still hoping this weekend it gets done.

I'm curious, how do you check up on your followers? Rather then opening 150+ pages of blogs, I just go through the dashboard and see the newest posts on the right hand side, that ended from where I last looked. For awhile I was doing the 150+ opening tabs all at once, but then I realized not everyone is posting. Kind of depressing, but eh, they have lives lol.

I figured I would leave you this for's addictive, and a great time waster.

Robot Unicorn Attack | Free games with


  1. yay Robot unicorn attack!!!
    what did you say? :P

  2. it feels so good! i cant wait for the weekend! wooooo

  3. This game is more addictive than crack cocaine mixed with heroin

  4. Yes! I have this game on my phone. So good.

  5. I go through the posts first and then look on the dashboard for new posting.

  6. So THAT'S where the music was coming from. I had like 30 tabs open and I couldn't find it :D

  7. I love this game !! I cannot stop play this thanks.
    Btw what the song is it? Please tell me :-)
