Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I'm trying.....

To wait to post until I'm able to download and then watch SGU That won't be for another half hour to 45 minutes, depending on how the scene guys convert their video when they premiere on TV. Usually for the 1 gig files for the HD version it's roughly 15 minutes after the show ends on the east coast. Usually being the keyword, as Chuck last night came to the torrents rather late, I started downloading it as soon as it started on NBC, so I finished watching it on my computer without the commercials that NBC had....So I guess no spoilers on it tonight.

Speaking of Stargate, I miss SG-1 and Atlantis. Yea SG-1 got a little off with the introduction of the Ori, but it was still enjoyable to watch. They left Atlantis open for more, and there was talk about a movie, but so far that's not happening. Why not? They did 2 SG-1 movies after the series ended, and it closed up a lot of holes the the finale episode didn't do. There is just a lot that they can do with an Atlantis movie.

The Walking Dead ruled once again Sunday night. (Thanks to my follower who mentioned I said Living Dead rather then Walking Dead)The show itself keeps getting better and better. I thought I would be biased having read the comics, but in all honesty those who have read the comics should like it just as much as those who haven't read them. You've watched the show riiiiiight? If you haven't you're missing out on one hell of a zombie series.

Also little by little my backyard is slowly getting back to normal since the remodeling of the big bathroom. Like I said before I don't have a truck so taking everything down to the dump at once isn't doable, so I've been getting as much as I can in the normal trash can on Tuesdays for that trash, then the cardboard and other recyclables in the recycle bin for Fridays....

This has to be the best image I've seen on Failblog. And with my liking for Silence of the Lambs I just laughed my ass off when I saw it.

 Also I leave you with Charlie the Unicorn part 2 Not as awesome as the first which I posted earlier today, but still enjoyable.


  1. Love the picture and the video, hope you update after your done downloading too!! I'll be checking back for sure!!

    My names Charlie so I am WELL AWARE of these videos... LOL

  2. Lol @ the video :p ! Thanks for sharing ;) !

  3. haha i remember when i first saw those vids

  4. Ahhh, Stargate.... miss it too man

  5. Is Stargate worth watching it? I must admit I never had chance to before, but with my new awesome DSL connection, wouldn't be a problem

  6. Stargate Universe is getting quite interesting. Looking forward to more of it. :) Walking Dead also did rock. Sad that there is only 2 more episodes this season.

  7. I believe we have the same tastes mister!

  8. i actually just started reading the comics yesterday, it's helping me appreciate the difference they're taking in the show so far..

  9. ugh this video so irritates me.. like.. hero style

  10. lol gotta love charlie the unicorn

  11. I love charlie the unicorn. :P BEST EVAAARRRR!!

  12. Charlie the unicorn might have the most annoying voices I have ever heard in my entire life. Somehow it is funny though.

  13. Haha yeah, charlie the unicorn is pretty funny.
    I should watch walking dead, I like zombies. however, i have no television.

    Darn :/

  14. I love Charlie now.....

  15. i remember when i first saw those vids

  16. Stargate SG-1 is my favorite TV show of all time. SGU is so-so. Caprica was canceled, and rightly so. Not much in sci-fi on TV worth watching.

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