Monday, December 6, 2010

I has a sad and an interesting idea......

The sad part is that Google canceled my AdSense account (after 2 months and 1 cashed check). I'm not going to try and fight it. As I've seen everyone that has tried to fight it fail in getting it back. I'll stick with the lower money makers and see how those work out. So unlike others I plan on keeping this blog going hopefully being able to post daily, if not daily then every other day or's difficult to come up with something to write about daily (I lead such a boring life at times lol)

Now here's my interesting idea, that I thought about while perusing and seeing their secretsanta exchange. Now tell me if it's a good idea or not my loyal followers, if I get enough yes's I'll do it! I want to pick one of my followers to get a secret santa gift box from me. Nothing big, nothing expensive just some little things. All of which are usable minus 2 items :) 1 of those items must be kept and when I send the box I'll tell you what item must be kept with a note on the inside. (Let's just say I'm having a hard time giving this up but I know one of you would love it as much as I do) I would basically give you a throw away e-mail to write to telling me why I should be your Secret Santa, and when you do write to me, I don't want your blog info, nor your blogger name. That's what makes this a secret on my end. I won't know which of my followers it goes to until they receive it and if they decide to put it on their blog showing the world the nifty little gifts. You can keep it to yourself and not write on your blog about it, as long as you e-mail me when you get it!

The best part about this? I don't expect anything back except knowing I made someones holidays a bit more cheerful

Sooooo, what does everyone think? I'll give this until Wednesday for people to tell me. Let me know.....please lol


  1. This is a pretty cool idea. I'm interested to see how this idea turns out as it would be something I'd like to do as well. I like it a lot though. I say go for it.

  2. Thanks Rezden, I like the idea too, now if people would just say yay or nay! lol

    Or you can be like Tweeks there and just give an automated generic response, which I will consider a yay lol

  3. Were you using any visitor booster services or did they just decide it's suspicious?

  4. Seems like they just considered it suspicious.....

  5. Sorry to hear about google. At least you got 1 check.

    The santa thing sounds like there'd be quite a bit of logistics to sort out?

  6. I'm sorry about your problems with google :(

    The secret santa idea is cute!

  7. @Sucio - I don't see much in the way of sorting things out with how I have the idea planned. Think of it as a contest.

    @Yllsa - I thought so too :)

  8. sorry to hear about your adsense. I'm just waiting for them to drop me. I think the secret santa is a great idea

  9. Google picked a bad time of year to go ban happy. I think you should do it though, it would be fun to watch.

    Also congrats on the contest.

  10. sounds like an interesting idea, you sound like a generous person!
